Tawi Paints

How to clean your paintbrushes properly

So it’s finally time to clean your paintbrushes. What a complete waste would your investment be if your paintbrushes only lasted for a short while? That’s why it’s important to properly clean and store your paint brushed after use.

But we get it. Life is busy and there’s a lot going on. Sometimes you don’t have the time to carefully clean and inspect your tools after use. However, investing an extra 5 to 10 minutes of your time to clean your paintbrushes properly will ensure that your paintbrushes serve you for years to come.

Plus, rushing through the cleaning process can leave your paintbrushes with flecks of paint from the previous paint job, which will not only misshape your brushes, but it will also likely mean that you’ll have an imperfect finish on your next project. And nobody wants that- least of all a busy professional such as yourself.

So what’s the best way to clean your paintbrushes? Here are some things to keep in mind:

How to clean your paintbrushes after using water-based paint

Cleaning water-based paint, such as the type available at Tawi, is just about the easiest thing that you will ever do.

To clean paint brushes after using water-based paint:

  1. Simply scrub the rollers and brushes in warm water and mild soap or dishwashing soap to remove the residual paint.
  2. You can use a brush comb to work the bristles of the brush to get rid of the flecks of paint remaining, as well as to prevent buildup.
  3. If there are stubborn paint parts that won’t wash off, you can use a solvent material like turpentine to get rid of the excess. Remember to rinse out the turpentine with soap and water before drying the brushes.

How to clean your paintbrushes after using oil-based paint

Oil-based paint is a little more tasking to clean than water-based paint. To get rid of oil-based paint from your brushes, you will need a cleaning solvent.

To clean your paintbrushes after using oil-based paint:

  1. Immerse your paintbrush in the solvent for about 10 seconds, wiping, and squeezing the bristles against the sides of the container.
  2. Work the bristles using a comb to get rid of excess paint. 

3. If you notice that some of the paint has dried, you may need to soak the brush in solvent for 20 to 30 minutes.

4. Wash the brush in soapy water once all the paint has been removed.

A few things to remember before you clean your paintbrushes:

Clean paint brushes immediately after use.

It is much easier and less expensive to clean wet paint than dry paint. Once the paint on your brushes dries up, it could render your bristles useless, which might mean replacement.

Never soak paintbrushes in solvent or water.

Avoid soaking your paintbrushes in solvent or water as this can damage the bristles.  A simple dip is all is needed. During the dip, work the soap and water into the brush as much as possible for the best results.

Always use the right solvent.

The right solvent will make your clean up job so much easier as it will loosen any dried up bits of paint.  When using oil-based paints, always read the manufacturer instructions on the paint can in order to select the proper cleaning solvent for the best clean up results for your paintbrushes. Some paint manufacturers recommend the use of mineral spirits while others prefer that you use thinner or denatured alcohol.

Cleaning accessories are good.

Cleaning accessories such as brush spinners and paintbrush combs can help you keep your paintbrushes clean and looking new for longer. For instance, brush spinners come in handy when you need to get rid of excess solvent or water by spinning the brush.

Paintbrush combs, on the other hand, are great for removing any residue that has set in the bristles. Brushes are also great for straightening and reshaping the brush into its original shape so that you can use it again when you need to with no problems.

What about cleaning paint from roller covers?

Cleaning roller covers is also a straightforward process that’s not that much different from cleaning paintbrushes.

To clean roller covers:

Remove the roller cover sleeve from the painting frame immediately after you are done using it. Never allow the paint to set or start drying on the roller cover as it will be harder to get rid of once it happens.

As with paintbrushes, you should never leave the roller cover sleeve in water to solvent as it could affect the integrity of the sleeve.

If you are cleaning water-based paint off the sleeve, all you need is soapy clean water in a container. If there are bits stuck to the sleeve, you can use a putty knife to scrape off the excess bits of paint. Follow up the cleaning process with a clear water rinse before drying.

For oil-based paints, shellacs, lacquers, and varnishes, you will need to pick the right cleaning solvent based on the paint manufacturer’s instructions.

We sell quality water-based paint.

Here at Tawi, we exclusively deal with water-based paint. Our water based paint works brilliantly on all types of surfaces and applications, whether interior or exterior. This is because water-based paints are a lot more durable and resistant to exposure to the element.

Better still, cleaning water-based paint off your brushes is as easy as pie. Give it a try! Shop our water-based paint here.

If you have any questions or would like more information about how to use water-based paint, do not hesistate to get in touch with us. Contact us today.

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